Main task: first day of filming

This was the first day of filming my main task, it went very well even though it went in a completly different direction to what I was expecting. After filming two drafts of my preliminary task I decided i wanted to film ing the darker hours of the afternoon, this did not completly work in my preliminary task but I though it would if I used a better camera, it still didnt the location is to sheltered by trees so you could hardly see of the initial footage, so we decided to move location. This was unexpected and 100% unplanned, we simply drove until we found some form of light- this ended up being street lights. After setting up as fast as possible we got to filming, I atained a number of different shots and angles and am happy with the footage we got my the end of the evening. However, looking back I wish I got more tracking shots of both the victum and the villian to create more of a POV and to build of the senario a little bit more; but this may be something I can film at another date. I utilised the skills I learnt from filming my prelimanary task like using a tripod, mannually focusing in the camera and getting extra footage just incase it comes in handy. This day of filming was a sucess in my books becuase it went in a different direction to what i thought it was but still worked out great; I have learned to think on my feet and work with what I have avilable at the time.


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