Preliminary Task evaluation

Things I would like to change: I must develope a thorough plan of what I want to film/ act before I go out to my 'set' in order to save time, this is because I found the the shots I got when I knew what I wanted tured out alot more clean and polished compared to the shots that I improvised. I also still find it very difficult to pull in and out of focus so I would like to develope that skill further. For my main task I have decided that I would like to include a voice over so for this I will need to use audio recording equipment in order to achive the highest quality, so I will be learning how to use a Zoom H4N portable audio recorder which is something i have never used before; I am excited to record some of my own foley sounds using this piece of tech. I also found when filming my prelimanary task that the shots in which I used a tripod came out alot more clean that the shots were I went handheld so I will be setting up the tripod and camera far more when filming my main task; however as i have taken a more 'stalker-thriller' aproach to my plot I found that the shaking handheld style worked well in a few of my shots. What went well: I found that as the task progressed I became far more confident and comfortable when using the tech and editing software, I learnt loads of short cuts and techniques on Premiere Pro which I did not knwo before and have discovered the power of Youtube when embarking on new skills. I have also got much better at searching for royality free music to attach to my sequences which is something I found very difficult in the past. When filming I became relativly creative with finding different angles and point of views for my shots; however some came out too dark becuaase of poor lighting so I would like to fugure out how to correctly set up a light.


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