Production update

Due to year 12 end of year exams I have had to put my maintask production to the side as I focus on my revision. However I have completed my first edit of my maintask and aim to have a second draft up by next week; since completing my first edit I have found a few possible tracks that I would like to edit into my rushes. Since finishing draft one I have also added an intro in to my 2 minute sequence in which I have included a logo for an indie film production comapany and then 'LENNOX PRODUCTIONS' on a second transition. For this I attempted to use the Adobe stock feature but was unsucessful as it is not available on the software on my school computures, however I worked my way around it by editing a small icon from google images. Over the next few weeks i aim to have completed a few more drafts of my maintask and possibly a few more shots to add more dimension to my sequence; I also have to complete the sound aspect of my sequence ie: sound effects and soundtack.


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